Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas Chaos

I'm so excited to have found a picture of the mess!

I think my nephew Caleb said it best after he finished playing with Camden one afternoon, "This kid is busy!" Christmas Eve was a perfect example when we decorated gingerbread houses and Shane and I were creating a barn/farmyard version to enter into our family contest. I, being the meticulous perfectionist I am, wasn't allowing Camden to help as much as he wanted, mainly because he was less help and more chaos than anything. I'm usually not that kind of a mom but I'm sure all you mom's can relate that sometimes you just want to make something nice even if it is a gingerbread house. Luckily, Mike came to the rescue!! He let Camden go to town. He stripped him down to his diaper, gave him a table knife and some frosting, and let him at it. Every minute or so Mike would take Camden to the fridge or pantry and let him choose a new food embellishment to use. By the end of the experiment their gingerbread house had frosting, marshmallows, pretzels, almonds, two honeycombs, ketchup, mustard, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, I think a few pieces of dog food, and honey. All of that was conglomerated on one section of the roof. It was quite the masterpiece and really sweet of Mike. I think Mike has a soft spot for Camden which makes me happy.