Saturday, January 24, 2009

I was curious about the obsession that all my neighbors, friends, and family had for the Add Imagebook Twilight and so I overcame my "I think I'm cool because I haven't read Twilight " attitude and gave it a little attention.  Wow.  It was that bad.  And good.  To tell you the truth I'm a little confused as to how I really feel about it.  There were times reading that I threw up a little in my mouth. I even remember the lines that induced the small but nasty mouthfuls, after Bella writes her secretive goodbye letter to Edward and remarks after sealing it, "And then I carefully sealed away my heart.", or any references she made to Edward's "marble arms".  But I won't deny that I got a few love butterflies at times as well.  So the conclusion that I have come to is this. . . the story had great potential but how I wish that someone else had written it.  Someone who didn't sit by the computer with her Thesaurus in hand waiting for a good place to fit that one big word in every sentence.  (Note: Kristi came up with this theory but it rang so true I have adopted it).  At least I won't be an outsider to those who love, and those who love to make fun of, the phenomenon called Twilight. 

p.s. I tried to find the most hideous picture I could for this blog,  but I couldn't find one of Edward "sparkling" so I choose the next best thing,  him "soaring".  


janel said...

So true about the love and make fun of deal. It's definitely my first "romance" novel (the throw up in mouth part), but I enjoyed the fun fantasy world of vampires that S.M. created. Have you seen the movie?

The Ashtons said...

With ya!

Stephanie said...

Agreed! Love it and hate it. So I tried to call you twice since you called me, and I really wanted to go to lunch with you to tell you something. But, you didn't call me back. So, I posted the information on my blog before telling you myself - but I got antsy. I also tagged you to post 6 of your quirks. I kind of don't like the tag thing - but I did it anyway and then it turned out too long. But, oh well. Go look at my blog ok, and then do the dang tag - just for fun! I love you!

Sarah Stout said...

Never read, maybe never will read Twilight. We shall see. I'm sure if I do, I'll feel the same way as you do! :)

Kristi said...

Finally someone put it into words.I agree...the part about it being lame. Not so much the part about loving it. Can't quite understand that.

"Say it out loud!"

Heather Anna said...

Katie we must chat and have a conversation about this. Thanks for writing your critique. :-)

Troy, Kristin, and Two Rug Rats said...

I have to say I agree with your synopsis. But sometimes I like to indulge in the teenager love stories. I liked the books even though you are right about the oh so cheesey lines. And the movie was ten times worse with horrible actors, and lame special effects. The sparkling image was horrible, and the soaring made me cringe in my seat, but I have to admit I went to see the movie and midnight the day it opened with a bunch of girls from work. You would have died to see the fans there. Hilarious.