When the cashier at Hobby Lobby scanned this item she said, "Do you have some High School Musical fans in the family?" With no reservations I replied, "Yeah, me and my sisters!" For all you High School Musical fans out there, this one's for you!
Yes, I am 26 years old and have a mild to moderate crush on
Zac Efron. Yes, I am a mother of two and know many, if not all, the lyrics to the songs of the epic
HSM3! And YES, I attended opening night in the theaters and the day it came out on DVD had a party at my house.
The sad truth about our little party. . . we (me, Amy, Kristi, and Kelly) originally didn't invite any kids. That's right, an all girl party and no one was under the age of 20. We rethought the age limit when we realized how ridiculous it would be watching a bunch of grown women smacking a pinata. So we invited Camden, Boston, Melissa (my next door neighbor) and her little girl Madison.
Amy provided us with High School Musical 3 take home goodie bags and a tablecloth. While Kristi and Kelly put together the "pin the lips on Troy" game. The highlight of the night happened when Kelly sat on my sticky lips and we searched for a good 5 minutes looking for them, only to discover . . .
Amy giving us her "bedroom eyes" during the game.

Other fun and exciting things included:
Painting our toenails Wildcat red.

The thrill and excitement of seeing the movie yet again! And last but surely not least. . .
Kristi's pre-show grooving!
If you have yet to see this movie, I hope now more than ever you will rush out and rent it and have your sisters or friends over. This is a movie that is all about fun and laughter, as Kristi's grooves will prove.